The European ATM Standards 
Coordination Group (EASCG)
Building an efficient, sustainable and safe Single European Sky requires the modernisation of the European ATM infrastructure. To ensure a coordinated and harmonised implementation of the required ATM-related functionalities, it is essential to ensure that the necessary standards are available, in a timely fashion. There is an increased need for new standards arising from the deployment of SESAR and the transition to performance-based regulation.
The EASCG was created as a joint advisory group to coordinate the European ATM-related standardisation activities, essentially stemming from the European ATM Master Plan, in support of Single European Sky (SES) implementation.
The EASCG is chaired by the Manuel Rivas Vila, EASA, and the Secretariat is provided by Alex Milns, EUROCAE.
The EASCG work ensures a better coordination and monitoring of the relevant activities affecting standardisation:
- R&D activities under SJU responsibility, deployment coordination under SDM responsibility,
- rulemaking activities under EASA responsibility,
- standardisation activities executed by the relevant standardisation bodies, including a significant part of the EUROCAE work programme.
Since its creation it has proven to work effectively and produced concrete results, such as the update of the PCP “Indicative roadmap with respect to standardisation and regulation” and the first edition of the European Standardisation Rolling Development Plan, which is now available to the community on the EASCG website.
For more information and to access the latest version of the European Standardisation Rolling Development Plan please go to the EASCG website.
You may also register to be informed about the activities of the EASCG and the publication of an update of the European Standardisation Rolling Development Plan.