We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-111 "Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM)" for Open Consultation: Draft ED-141A "Minimum Technical Specifications for Airport CDM Systems" This document supersedes ED-141 Minimum Technical Specifications for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (Airport-CDM) Syst ...
Open Consultation
EUROCAE Open Consultation ED-146A
We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-111 "Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM)" for Open Consultation: Draft ED-146A "Guidelines for Test and Validation Related to Airport CDM Interoperability" This document supersedes ED-146 Guidelines for Test and Validation Related to Airport CDM Interoperability ...
EUROCAE Open Consultation ED-331
We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-112 SG-5 "Ground" for Open Consultation: Draft ED-331 "Guidance for the use of automated ground movement equipment to move VTOL aircraft with passengers onboard at vertiports and aerodromes" The purpose of this document to develop guidance providing recommendations for usi ...
EUROCAE Open Consultation ED-229B Ch. 1
We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-78 "Standards for Air Traffic Data Communications Services" for Open Consultation: Draft ED-229B Ch. 1 "Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications – Change 1" Correction of errors in the message numbering in the ASN.1 Message Set of ED-22 ...
EUROCAE Open Consultation ED-137C5 Change 1
We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-67 SG-4 "Voice over IP for ATM Applications - Supervision Sub-Group" for Open Consultation: Draft ED-137C5 Change 1 "Interoperability Standard for VOIP ATM Components - Volume 5 Supervision - Change 1" Change 1 responds to Change Requests submitted by implementers of the S ...
EUROCAE Open Consultation ED-137C4 Change 2
We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-67 SG-3 "Voice over IP for ATM Applications - Recording Sub-Group" for Open Consultation: Draft ED-137C4 Change 2 "Interoperability Standard for VoIP ATM Components – Volume 4 Recording - Change 2" Change 2 to ED-137/4C will reply to Change proposals raised against ED-137/ ...
EUROCAE Open Consultation ED-305
We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-112 SG-3 "Safety" for Open Consultation: Draft ED-305 "Information Security Guidance for VTOL and Collaborative Systems" Cybersecurity is an enabler for the safety and business reliability of VTOL. This document addresses security aspects while considering special conditio ...
EUROCAE Open Consultation ED-84B
We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-31 "Electromagnetic hazards" for Open Consultation: Draft ED-84B "Aircraft Lightning Environment and Related Test Waveforms" This document is a review of ED-84A, as SAE AE2 “Lightning Committee”, working jointly with EUROCAE WG-31, are proposing updates to technically iden ...
EUROCAE Open Consultation ED-110B Ch2
We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-78 "Standards for Air Traffic Data Communications Services" for Open Consultation: Draft ED-110B Ch2 "Interoperability Requirements Standard for Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Baseline 1 - Ch 2" Change 2 to ED-110B/DO-280B, Interoperability Requirements Standard fo ...
EUROCAE Open Consultation ED-271A
We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-105 SG-1 "Detect and Avoid" for Open Consultation: Draft ED-271A "MASPS for Detect and Avoid (Traffic) under IFR" (Used to be SG-12 DP002) The objective is to specify a proportionate risk based standard for Detect & Avoid against conflicting traffic which will support ...