Read the NEWSblog HERE. ...

WG-123 Infectious passenger handling in air ambulance operations - Call for Participation
EUROCAE is launching a Call for Participation to inform interested parties about the launch of a new Working Group.

ED-287A - Guidance Document on Aircraft Cleaning and Disinfection
We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-287A|Guidance Document on Aircraft Cleaning and Disinfection. EUROCAE/RTCA received several comments and inputs from various stakeholders and after review in Plenary meeting #5, the WG suggested to revise ED-287 and update the sections affected by the comments. Furthermore, all SGs are tasked to review their chapters for addition ...

ED-201A - Aeronautical Information System Security (AISS) Framework Guidance
We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-201A|Aeronautical Information System Security (AISS) Framework Guidance. ED-201 (2015) provides the framework for linking the various portions of security in aviation together. ED-201A has been updated to capture changes in the relevant standards. ED-201A also integrates regulatory changes associated with EASA new set of regulati ...

EUROCAE Open Consultation ED-299
We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-112 SG-5 "Ground" for Open Consultation: Draft ED-299 "GUIDANCE FOR VERTIPORT OPERATORS AND OPERATIONS" This document rovides guidance for designers, developers, and operators for planning and executing safe vertiport operations.posted on the EUROCAE workspace. You are inv ...
ED-292 - Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for Runway Weather Information Systems
We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-292|Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for Runway Weather Information Systems. The document defines the performances expected from the systems and the way of verifying that the latter reach them. The minimum performance requirements specified herein are designated to ensure that aerodrome and aircraft equipment ...
ED-294 - SWIM Service Specification Template and Methodology
We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-294|SWIM Service Specification Template and Methodology. This document shall be used when there is a need to standardise a SWIM Service and a common understanding has been reached on the substantial functions of the service, the operational context and the information to be exchanged. This document is meant to provide an easy to ...

Call for Participation EUROCAE WG-62 SG-1 on BDS
EUROCAE is launching a Call for Participation to inform interested parties about the creation of WG-62 SG-1 focusing on BeiDou Navigation Satellite Systems (BDS) and to provide a possibility to nominate project participants.
Within the frame of EUROCAE WG-62, SG-1 is pursuing the objective of developing an Internal Report on Beidou System and BDSBAS to be completed by Q3/2023.